Project Bayo: Chapter two, Great Ideas

Later that morning, Howard is quietly staring down at the wood pattern of his kitchen table. Sitting in preparation for his wife’s breakfast. “So just like that, huh? They just let ya go?” Valerie asks in response to how yesterday had gone for her husband, “Howie, I don’t exactly know the ins and outs of this stuff but I don’t feel like he can just do that, it’s mid-semester.”

Howard is obviously avoidant of any real reasoning. Thinking really hard as to what he should say. “Well it’s all a little too complicated for you to understand. Now that I think about it, perhaps the divide was a bit mutual, okay?” 

Valerie gives her husband a stern look, unconvinced, “Ya know, I said I didn’t know the process, I didn’t say I was stupid.” She now sits down at the table. With a tray of strawberries and oatmeal in front of each of them. “Now it’s obvious that you have no interest in talking about this, so how about we catch up to what that dream was last night?” Valerie says in a hope for compromise. 

“Right…last night” Howard says, very much over the broken record that is his subconscious. “I swear Val, it’s the same shit every night. It just gets more and more stupid.” Howard stresses, “Like this time I was packing my stuff and then I’m suddenly shoved through the school doors or something, but always always always it ends with me and that car accident.”

Valerie listens carefully, sympathetic toward him, “Oh hun, maybe it was just a really bad one because of the bad day you had. You’ll have better-“


Valerie is in awe with the way Howard is now yelling. It has become apparent that his lacking cognitive skills could parallel his temper. Valerie pulls herself out of the conversation, “I think it’s a good day to be with my girlfriends. Howie, please just relax today.” She says as she puts her dishes in the sink and heads to the front door, “I love you.” *slam*

Howard wipes his face with both hands like wiper blades. Rubbing his eyes he walks to his office. Inside his office is the standard brown desk in the middle, facing the door he just came through. On top is a computer with two monitors. He immediately starts searching around on the internet to find a teaching job. He does so for the rest of his day. Knowing that an unemployed man has all the time he needs, but no time to waste.

Come late evening, across town is a modest suburban house with a long driveway. The garage door is wide open, exposing a familiar black truck. Inside is a loud stereo leaking commentary as far as the street. 

“...and they would chop them into multiple bits using an axe. Then thrown into a tub of acid, disintegrating the body that not even bone remained. Of course before any of that he had his fun. Sewing his victim’s mouth shut and then burning them in various places so they would scream before the stitches set. Making their mouth all-” *smack*

The volume stereo button is suddenly slapped after a very bothered man comes in from the side door to do so. “Now son, what did we agree on about blasting true crime podcasts when it’s dark outside?’

Jakobi then slides out from underneath his truck, pausing progress. “Sorry Dad, I lost my earbuds earlier this week. But I’ll keep it down for Mom if she’s trying to sleep.”

“Kobi I’ll be honest, some of the stuff I’m hearing is kinda freakin’ me out, too. Not trying to kill anyone, are ya?” Jakobi’s dad says jokingly, still standing in the doorway.

Jakobi gets up and walks toward the stereo, resuming his podcast but at a more appropriate volume. He then explains, “Actually, most of the time I listen to these stories to prevent stuff like that happening to us again. It’s important to have a few answers in case something were to happen to you or Mom.”

“Hey now! Don’t let your momma hear you talkin’ like that! And what’re you meanin’ by ‘again’?” Jakobi’s father raises an eyebrow.

“What I obviously mean is I won’t let anything happen to us like it did with Lo-”

“Cut the shit about Logan, boy!” His father demanded with a wet lip, stopping Jakobi. His son takes a strong exhale, does a soft shake of the head and rolls back under. Yet, Jakobi’s father continues. 

 “Son…How many times do I gotta tell you? That’s all blown over now. Nobody had nothin to do with what happened to Logan. The police said that it was mechanical negligence. The brakes were toast and you know this, ‘Kobe. Your mah and I are trying to move on, and you should too.”

A groan starts from under the car, it grows into an angry shout. *rrraaAAGH!* Simultaneously the father hears a metallic bang from under the truck. Jakobi had given his frame a fist full. He then grabs the truck by the skirt to slide back out. He rolls fast, but he’s even faster to his feet and takes a step toward his dad with exclaiming posture. 

‘You gotta know how much of what you just said is fucking WRONG!” Jakobi yells, “First of all, you should fucking know that Logan was never the guy to not care about this truck! He was never lazy, he was never ignorant!”

“Son you can’t just assume tha-”

“Shut the fuck up! WE can’t just assume! He was a fucking winner because of how much he cared. And because he cared, I did too. You were out of the garage as soon as I wanted to help him with anything!”

“I… I can’t even look at you right now…” Jakobi’s dad mumbled softly. Tired of seeing his son as a delusional young man. He slowly sits down where he stood, onto the steps. He rubs his eyes and fiddles his ears. “I don’t find the way you’re speaking to your father to be impressive, but I will say I never stopped caring.”

Jakobi has socially built himself a wall at this point, angered even further by everything his dad is saying. He grabs the last few tools from underneath his truck, throws them on the garage workbench. Grabbing a jacket, Jakobi maintains dismissive to his father’s presence, walks around the truck and starts it.

“Where on earth are you going?’ asks his father. 

Jakobi looks up with watery eyes, “I didn’t die with Logan like you and mah did, I’m actually gonna do something about this.”

The following Monday, the boys Jakobi and Billy take a seat for their Inorganic Chemistry class. They quickly realize things are a little different. Usually Professor Bayo is always there at his front desk, but even his personal decor was missing. Billy leans over and whispers, “Dude, it looks damn near empty in here, and Crater Head should basically be teaching already.” 

“Yeah something is definitely off about this” Jakobi whispers back

Through the classroom door walks in a short man, properly dressed and his hair slicked back. It was the Chancellor, Mr. O’Doole. He is closely followed by his office colleague, Connie. He starts writing on the board while the students remain quiet, yet puzzled. The board eventually reads the name ‘Miss Connie Gearing’.Connie takes the seat once honed by Professor Bayo. With that, O’Doole turns and begins speaking. 

“Now class, as you all know I am your chancellor Mr. O’Doole and I have some interesting news. Let me get the obvious question out of the way, I…have no clue where your teacher is.” he explains, standing still as he watches the students look around at each other. Some surprised, some not surprised, one kid even joked he probably forgot the way to school. Another questioned if he was ever allowed to drive in general. But beside all that, the chancellor continues, “So for this very reason, we will obviously be looking for a new science professor. Until then Miss Connie from our front office will be taking over the sudden change. Any Questions?”

 Jakobi mutters under his breath, “What the fuck?”

“No rhetorical questions at this time, thanks.” O’Doole says, obviously hearing Jakobi.

Billy starts snickering that his friend had been overheard, after the small exchange the silence continues awkwardly. Nobody has anything to say. What could they say in such a unique situation? Breaking the silence once again, O’Doole zeroes in on his target, snickering Billy.

“You think this is funny? Have anything to say for your friend here?” asks O’Doole.

Billy is caught off guard, but he takes pride in his quick wits, and ‘never getting got’ as he would put it. “Well sir, my friend here is probably skeptical as to why you got your coffee lady to be our teacher the next month and a half?”

Connie’s jaw drops and instinctively yaps back sharply at Billy, “Hey!, I’ll have you know that I am-” cut off by O’Doole, he whispers to her. “Hey I got this, don't worry.” He clears his throat, “You two, your names?”

Jakobi responds, “My name is Jakobi and my outspoken friend here is Billy. But in respect to him, I believe he asked you a question…if you wouldn’t mind.”

O’Doole responds with a grin, almost playful but with devious eyes, “Snarky one’s you both are, aren’t you? Before I made this decision, sweet Connie was telling me all about how she used to go to school for science, and almost got her associates. Surely she can hold things down for–as you said–only a month and a half. What’s with the attitudes?”

Jakobi gives a lengthy answer, “Well sir I’m basically a 23 year old freshman since dropping three years ago, I’m not one of the many teenagers fresh from highschool. Which means I’m here on my own accord, my own purpose. Which also means I’m kinda over being herded like a sheep, I’m not about to deal with a lot of half assed bullcrap trying to do what I need to do here at Motor Tide. hearing this as the chancellor, my intentions sound pretty understandable, yeah?”

“Ya know, with the way you talk to your superiors I’ll guess that you have yet to take a proper communications class.” O’Doole responds with a witty expression. “Listen kid, this is how things are gonna be for a while, I have nothing else for you. Keep up that attitude and you shouldn’t be here much longer though. And that goes for the both of you” O’doole finishes as he opens the class to their new teacher, Miss Connie Gearing, and leaves

“Now what have you guys, as a class, gone over this semester so far?” Connie asks.

Jakobi leans toward Billy and groans, “Oh my god.”

Billy laughs, “Bruh, don’t worry. This should be easy.”

That same morning, the Bayo residence was also struggling with new changes. Howard was hidden away into his office, job searching endlessly for hours. But had been rejected by multiple employers. His wife Valerie had discovered him passed out on his desk the next morning after not coming to bed the night prior. Howard was getting worried. He was also getting pissed off. He had never struggled to get a job in education. He rubs his bloodshot eyes, they’re in such pain to where he grabs his sunglasses just before joining his wife in the living room. 

“Dear god Howie, you look like shit.” says Valerie

“Really encouraging words outta you this morning.” responds Howard, zombie walking to his reclining chair

Valerie chuckles, “It’s 5:30 pm, babe.”

“WHAT! I slept the whole day?”

“And all of last night…in your office. So like 20 hours straight, impressive.”

“Not when I’m unemployed and supposed to be job searching, jeezus I feel like a loser.” stresses Howard

“Howard you are not a loser, you’re just in a new chapter, that’s exciting!”

“Oh cut the shit about chapters, this isn’t fuckin cute. I'M LOSING MY LIVELIHOOD!!”

Valerie explains herself, “That’s not how I was looking at it…”

“Of course you weren’t! It’s pretty easy when you’re the one that doesn’t have to work!” Yells Howard.

“Howard, What the fuck!? You KNOW why I can’t work!” Val shouts right back at him. She angrily stands up and walks to the kitchen. 

Howard sits deeper into his chair. He takes a quick glance at his wife’s growing baby bump and turns away even quicker as his wife passes him. His eyes get watery as he sits and contemplates how things are lining up. He feels if he doesn’t act fast, his life will fall apart as his new life is still on its way. 

“I'm Sorry…” He mutters, “...I’m just dealing with all this shit right now. I’m worried about you, I’m worried about the baby. I just want to provide and for the first time ever…I don’t know what to do.”

A few moments of silence go by as Howard sits by himself in the living room while Valerie Stays standing in the kitchen, looking out the window. “Howie, remember that motorcycle you had?”

“Val, I really really don’t wanna talk about the motorcycle.” tells Howard, not wanting to think about his accident.

“No no, that first one you had. We were freshmen in college?”

Howard turns his head toward the kitchen with a look of slight confusion, “Um…yeah? What about it?”

“I think about it sometimes, I was going to a random Brat Co. shop for new tires, waiting in the lobby. And a loud noise takes over that parking lot.”

Howard starts to laugh, “That’s right. I was so late to work that day.”

“Yeah and you made such a loud entrance stumbling in the lobby” Says Valerie now smiling out the window. “I found you so charming somehow, you were the one that returned the keys back to me. You even said sorry to me for taking so long”

“And even after all that, I still dared to get your number. Why on earth did you even say yes to that?”

“Well I just thought you were a goofball with a side of cute innocence. I also recognized you from campus.”

Howard grins and laughs softly, “Are you bringing me this story to say I’ve lost my charm?”

“Oh Howie, not at all. I find it even more charming that even after your accident you managed to remember the day we met.”

“I’m amused but why did you bring this up?”

“Well the part that you don’t seem to think about is how you had a life before teaching, get in here.” Valerie demands Howard to join her in the kitchen.

Howard then gets up, and walks onto the kitchen floor. He notices she is still staring out the window between the curtains. Valerie continues, “Howie, I think it would be great for this family if you went back to your roots, and didn’t have to think so much.”

“Excuse me?”

Valerie turns and opens the curtains wide. Exposing out the window are two very large factory buildings. The sign ‘BRAT CO.’ plastered on both of them. 

“You should get a job working on cars again, I think it would be really refreshing for you. Brat Co. had buildings all over town, they’re obviously always hiring. I bet you could get a job before the end of the week!”

“Ya know what, that’s not a bad idea at all. I’ll go apply right now!”

Valerie stops him immediately, “Woah, you just came from there, please just watch a movie with me before you do?’

Howard blushes and stammers, “Well I uh…I could I-”

“Awesome!” Valerie says and with confidence grabs his collar and throws him on the couch. “This time, let’s not watch anyone die, Please?”

Meanwhile the sun was setting, and Jakobi’s black truck was getting revved in the parking lot. “Okay Billy, that’s enough. I wanna take you somewhere important. Scoot over” demands Jakobi. Billy moves to the passenger side and Jakobi hops in the truck. They’re set to leave campus after another school day.

“Where we goin’?” Asks Billy. 

“Just listen to music for now, Billy. I got a lot on my mind.” Jakobi answers.

The boys arrive at the cemetery closest to Jakobi’s home. ”Woah what’re we doin here. Ya gonna kill me?” Billy says jokingly.

“Shut the fuck up, Billy.” Jakobi states blankly as they come to a stop in the middle of all the stones. “We’re here”

The boys get out of the truck and Jakobi starts walking, Billy runs around the truck to follow. “Hey man, really though, what are we doing here?” Billy asks loud and clear. But Jakobi keeps true and finally comes to a tombstone. He walks around behind it and gets on his knees to rest his arms on top. “Now we can talk.” Jakobi says calmly.

Billy looks down at the tombstone in front of his friend. Clearly the writing is engraved, 


June 20th, 1995 - April 17th 2020

Son, Brother, Best Friend

“Oh…” Says Billy under his breath.

“Yeah.” Confirms Jakobi.

“I’m sorry bro, I guess I shoulda thought.” Billy says apologetically.

“It’s okay, dude. I come here when the days get tough. I thought I’d show you.”

“I mean I get it. Do you…talk to him?” he asks carefully.

“Sometimes. I really just chill and take in the vibes.”

“Umm, Okay then.”

“Bruh who the fuck was that guy?”


“The guy in our science class, he was a dick.”

“Oh. That’s Mr. O’Doole, he’s the chancellor.”

“What the hell is a chancellor?”

“He’s like the principal, but for college.” Billy explains. “But yeah he was a dick this morning. He’s been jumping into a couple of other classes as well. He came into my video editing class the other week saying the school will pay for the class of the first kid that can digitally put a realistic face onto someone else’s body. It was weird.”

“Hmm. That is weird. The only thing he offered in our class was a lousy science teacher.” Joked Jakobi.

“Bro I died laughing when it took five minutes to explain to her what kind of science class it was” Billy laughed back.

“Yeah dude, that was stupid. I hate this.”

“Is that what was so hard about today?”

“Dude, I’m trying to take my education seriously this time around. And I can’t do it if my real science teacher is missing and the replacement has her head up her ass.”

Billy laughs and tries to calm his friend, “Oh Jakobi, you think this is bad? Dude, this is about to be the biggest cakewalk we’ve ever had in a class. She's probably going to give out stupid printouts of assignments she found online. And if that’s online then the answer sheet definitely is.”

“Billy, you don't get it. I am trying to actually learn something here.”

“Well that makes one of us.”

Jakobi stands up and stretches his legs out. He motions toward the front of his brother’s tombstone and gives the top a rub. The boys walk back to the truck to get going. The cemetery is now very dark and misty. 

“Billy, why are you even going to college?’

“Well… I guess I don’t really know the answer to that. My parents told me to pick a college so I did. They said they didn’t want me to end up like a bum.”

“Sounds like we’re too late to avoid that.” Jakobi said sarcastically.

“Hey man! You’re the one feeling cheated out in this class. Why don’t you go find Bayo!”

“Relax, I was only messing around…” Jakobi stops in his tracks just outside his truck door. “...wait. You said go find Professor Bayo?”

“I didn’t really mean that, ‘Kobe.” Billy says as he circles around the truck.

“Billy, that's what we gotta do!”

Both truck doors slam as Jakobi turns his keys to roar the truck engine.

“We?” asks Billy

“Yes!” Responds Jakobi.

“Ha ha, nope. Take me home.”

Jakobi leaves the cemetery, they get to the exit. He stops His truck just under the sign before pulling out. And excitedly turns to his friend.

“We are definitely talking about this tomorrow.”


Project Bayo: Chapter One, The Screams In Your Sleep